Fabian Socialists are taking over America

I first became aware of Fabian socialism from Gary Allen’s book “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”. He calls it creeping socialism, which gave me some idea of how it works. Gary Allen’s talk on the Fabian Society opened my eyes even more: Fabian Socialists and You.

During the talk, Gary suggests a book called “Keynes at Harvard“. It is the result of a Veritas Foundation staff study directed by Zygmund Dobbs. It was originally published in the early 60s and tells of the spread of socialism on college campuses—starting with Harvard. The spread of socialism was made possible by the Fabian Society, a group of British socialists who advocated the overthrow of capitalism through stealth and deception rather than violent revolution.

John Maynard Keynes, a Fabian socialist, was strongly influenced by Fabian professors as well as his father. His theory of economics was well-received by socialists, communists, and fascists around the world. Unfortunately, it was also well-received by socialists and communists who held high positions in the U.S. Government, such as in the State Department and the Treasury. Through Roosevelt and the New Deal, Keynesism became the officially recognized economic theory.

It is interesting that Whittaker Chambers, in his book “Witness”, makes special mention of the New Deal as “a genuine revolution” in and of itself—a drift towards socialism by forcing power away from business and putting it into the hands of politicians and government—a revolution “by acts of Congress and decisions of the Supreme Court”.

This passage from “Keynes At Harvard” also explains how the New Deal helped increase the size of government through bureaucracies that don’t answer to the desires of the electorate:

Keynesian leftists while holding power under the New Deal and Fair Deal Administrations constructed bureaucracies (manned by swarms of bureaucrats under civil service protection) which operate as self-socialized forms moving leftward regardless of the desires of the electorate or of elected officials. They are confident that a great national debt and continuing inflation plus enormous internal and foreign commitments assure the continuance of Keynesian operations for generations to come regardless of who is in power. The only alternative to Keynesism would be some very drastic political surgery accompanied by a re-organization and abolishment of the greatest part of the Federal bureaus.

“Keynes at Harvard” shows that Keynes was not a capitalist, and that in fact his goal was the destruction of capitalism. It shows also his strong connections to Fabian socialism and communism at high levels.

In searching for information on Fabian Socialists, I found an excellent article by Lew Rockwell, a notable Libertarian, written back in 1993. The source of the article was a bit of a surprise to me because, though Libertarians are very vocal in their opposition to state control,  they seem to avoid talking about conspiracies. I didn’t expect him to be this frank. It is a short but informative article about the formation of the Fabian Society and its growing influence in the world.

Before the Russian Revolution, the Communist Party had two wings: Bolshevik and Menshevik. The Bolsheviks believed in the immediate establishment of socialism through violence. The Mensheviks (who also called themselves social democrats) argued for a gradual, non-revolutionary path to the same goal. Liberty and property were to be abolished by majority vote.

The Bolsheviks won, but after committing unimaginable crimes, they have pretty much disappeared. The Mensheviks, however, are taking over America.